
Monday, January 26, 2009

My Sweet Baby Girl

Walking the dog

Teagan's cousin Leah wanted to take Cassie (Gigi & Grandpa's dog) for a walk...

Looks like Leah turned Cassie into a workin' dog.

Teagan & Nora watch Dumb & Dumber

Nora is on the left, Teagan is on the right



Dumb and Dumber was on TV as the girls were lounging on the couch...what are we doing to their minds?!?!?!

Time with Papa Doug

Teagan finally got to meet her Papa Doug. He flew in from Arizona to hang out with Todd while he's taking care of Teagan. They have gotten in some serious quality time!

Nap time

Time to wake up!

Conner, you're crazy dude!!!

Brett, Conner, Scott & Teagan playing wii.

Papa on the wii fit, Nala doing something.

Just a swingin'

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Bath time is fun! Just sitting in a whale. Does anyone else find this odd? I must be somewhat modest.

Help! I've been eaten by a frog! This is like a "B" horror flick.

I'm so CUTE!!!

Hangin' with my dawgs

Don't lick me!

Oh, this is a hard knocks life.

Daisy, you have one big head...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Daddy & Teagan Time

Todd loves to Cuddle with and kiss on our little Teagan. She kinda likes him too.
Pucker Up Baby!!! Kisses for Teagan, kisses for pretty girls!
I guess I'm supposed to close my eyes?
Dad, did you brush your teeth this morning? I didn't, I don't have any teeth!
Teagan has a lot of different facial expressions, it cracks us up!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I am getting so big!!!

Mom thinks I weigh about 7 pounds now. I can lift my head up for short periods of time. (And I'm super smart, in case you couldn't tell by my wonderful grammar.)

I do my stretches daily.

I'm awake for longer periods of time.

I get plenty of food, then I burp and get some much needed sleep.

Time with Grandma & Papau

I got to spend some time with Grandma Peggy and Papau. I think they'll spoil me...I hope so at least.

I am the Great Cornholio

She did this herself!