
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bath Time, Again...How Teagan has grown

Hi There!!!


Now...It's a huge change! My little girl is getting rolls on her legs!!!


Just some random photos.

chillin' on the floor

trying to talk

Burping, my favorite thing

I'm so CUTE!!!

Do you see my dimple???

Teagan can charm even teenage boys

Kyle, Joe & Jer are fascinated by Teagan...she was trying to talk to them in this photo...sorry still having issues putting video on...

Thursday, February 19, 2009


December Babies

Nora & Teagan

Lauren (Nora's cousin), Nora & Teagan

Lauren (born the 2nd week in December, Nora (born December 25th) & Teagan (born December 6th) - still the smallest.

Nora's Baptism

I'm a bit behind in posting photos, but 2 weeks ago my niece Nora was baptized and here are some pictures of it. It was a beautiful ceremony and Nora did great! We didn't get more of the ceremony because our little one was fussy.

Sarah, Jenni (the Godmother) & Nora

John & Nora

Leah being a runway model
Opening gifts
Nora & Uncle Todd

Teagan Loves Her Daddy

Friday, February 6, 2009

2 Months old today

This is from a few days ago, but...we took Teagan to the Dr. today and she weighs an astounding 8 pounds 13 ounces and is 21 inches long. Way to go little one!!!

Teagan is not upset...

She's down right MAD!!!! I am so mean, I had to get these pictures...I think she's adorable all the time. Besides this way I will have something to compare her teen years with. :) HA HA.
Not quite mad.

Fix me now...

I'm falling apart!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joe Goes to Hooters!

Joe with the "shot" lady

Chad getting his shot.

Grandpa Bruce getting his shot.

Joe getting his shot. As you can tell Joe did not enjoy himself at all!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Beautiful View

Don't those look like hands?

Teagan and Nala get some floor time


No kisses have a cold nose!

I love you too Nala.

Thanks Aunt Sadie!!

It finally fits! Aunt Sadie got this outfit for me...Thanks a bunch.