
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Look at those BABY BLUES!!!!

Yep, my eyes are still blue!!!

Meet the Baxters

Teagan had her very first road trip this weekend. We went out to North Platte, so she could meet the Baxters.

Tasha, Alysa and Teagan

Teagan and Aunt Edica

Todd putting on Grandpa's socks? Wait a minute here!!! When I was pregnant I asked Todd to cut my toe nails and he wouldn't and he's putting his Grandpa's socks on!!! Todd says it's totally different...WHATEVER TREVOR!!!

Jules Really wanted to hold Teagan.

Standing Room: Lisa, Rob, Beth, Teagan, Todd, Jules, Aunt Judy, Brett, the top of Nicole's head, Tammi, Scott, Uncle Bob, Tasha, Travis, Tim, Tracy, Uncle Dick
Bottom Row: Grandpa, Conner, Alysa and Ryland

Tracy, Uncle Bob, Aunt Edica, Tim, Travis, Tasha and Grandpa.

Aunt Judy...The brains behind the operation!

Some random dog, Brett, Tammi, Scott, Tasha, Tracy, Grandpa and Conner

Teagan and Jules

Tammi and Jules

Josh, Keith, Tammi, Tracy and Travis.

Thanks for a GREAT WEEKEND!!!!

Great Grandpa Ross

Yes, Papa Ross, my feet really are that small.

Daddy, Papa Ross and Teagan.

Aunt Tammi, Papa Ross and Teagan

We really DO look alike!?!?!

Teagan's GREAT Grandpa!
Teagan got to meet Great Grandpa Ross this weekend. It was a super special thing, since he is the only Grandparent of her parents still with us. They look alike and they make the same noises...hahahaha. Big joke with Todd and his Grandpa!

Cause and Effect

Teagan learned that her hands can make things move. It was really something to watch the "light bulb" turn on.

She was talking to that bee. I think that we'll have to make sure she has the Bee Movie. HAHA.

Buzz, hello....


Diaper changing in the car...

Good thing we have a big car...can you imagine changing a dirty diaper in a small car? YIKES!!!

Ooh, that feels much better!!!
We took Teagan to Nebraska for the first time this weekend. She was quite the trooper, fortunately she slept most of the way there and back. She did figure out how her hands worked on the trip out, and that was super cool to see.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Teagan and Nora

They are getting closer in size.

Just look at those beautiful girls!

My Diet...Bridal Bootcamp Cleansing Week

Blending my YUMMY protien shake.

12 oz of pure JOY.

Yes, that is sarcasm you are all reading. These shakes taste HORRIBLE!!! But, wait! There's more, I GET to have 4 of them a day. I also get 1 apple, 2 cups of brown rice and 2 cups of cooked green vegetables. I am doing this to myself, I know. I have LOST 2 lbs so far, so, I'll stick with the cleansing diet for the rest of the week. I'm super excited for when I get to eat REAL FOOD again.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our 3rd Annual St. Patrick's Day Bash

We had our 3rd annual St. Patrick's Day party on Saturday, a lot of our friends and family came. We enjoyed good company, good food (it was really good corned beef, if I do say so myself), good drinks and a good time.

The party is just getting started.

Teagan enjoyed being held by all of her family, but she was one tired little girl...

Rockin' the shamrock shades, I'm so proud!

Just the two of us!

We really do like each other! HA HA

Josh, Teagan, Lon and Bruce Sr. working the fire pit. We had great weather this year.

Teagan really likes her Uncle Josh, too bad he doesn't feel the same way...

Ashley and Tammi doing some sort of shot, there were a lot of shots done by everyone. Chad and Steph had to go to the store to get more Guiness! Can you believe that we drank all of the beer we had?

Ah, the sHAMMERocking of the bells. Who thought it'd be a good idea to give Bob a hammer?

That is some serious bell smashing happening there...OUCH!

Me and my super tired little Teagan.

Nala loves it when Conner comes over, he's the only one who likes scratching her belly. We had Daisy in her kennel all night, we didn't want any fights like we had last year.

Chad was explaining some theory to Steph...It didn't make sense when we were sober either. was funny

We had a blast and missed all of you that couldn't make it, just remember, there is always next year...