
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sweet Giggles

Teagan has the sweetest little giggle

Monday, April 6, 2009

If we're good, do we get the left-overs?

Come on, we WERE good.

Teagan's first semi-solid food.

The Dr. said to start giving Teagan some cereal, so we did...She really likes it!

The first bite is always a doozie.

Let me think about this for a second here...

Mom, did you see how full that spoon is...I'll try to get it down, but no promises.

OK, this isn't bad.

It's growing on me.


And I'm spent.

Assembly Required...Big Shock

Todd complains, but I know deep down, he loves putting things together for Tink...
What! That goes where?!?!?

Whistle while you work.

Our Little Sweetheart

Teagan is now focusing on the camera pre-flash.

Really, another picture?

Teagan LOVES playing with her hands

Such a cutie-pie!!!

I'm pretty sure she's saying something super important.

Playing with those hands again.

Those hands sure taste good, have you washed those lately?

Four Months Old

Teagan went to the Doctor today. She weighs 11 pounds 7 ounces and is 23 3/8" long. For the 4 month age group she is in the 20th percentile for height and the 10th percentile for weight, but, we can't rely on that too much since she was 5 1/2 weeks early! Teagan is also very good developmentally...YEAH!