
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Trying new things

Teagan is learning to try new things.

Daisy has a fun tail to play with.

Her tail is just so entertaining!

Teagan likes to drink water out of big glasses, she also likes the way her voice echos inside of the glass

Teagan has a very strong grip on things, especially hair, glasses and drinking name a few.

Teagan is very intrigued by Daisy...and Nala too. Teagan loves to grab at tails, ears and noses. The dogs are very good with her and just sit there. The dogs love when Teagan eats, because they get clean-up duty for the surrounding floor.

Mobile Madness

Teagan isn't quite crawling yet, but soon...she has the army crawl down!

How'd you get under that chair?

It's OK ma, I'm comming over there.

Oh, there's a toy over there (Teagan has a very short attention span).

Ba ba ba ba ba
Teagan is getting her words going. Todd thinks she has already said dada, and she has but is more like da da da da da da da da da so i'm not giving credit for that just yet, because she needs to stop at 2 and needs to know what she's saying. Hee Hee, hopefully mama will be next?