
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sloane's Birthday Take 2

Sloane's First Birthday Party

Last Saturday we had a huge bash for Sloane, She has been with us for 1 whole year.  It is hard to believe that she is such a big girl.  Sloane has been walking since about 101/2 months.  She says mama, dada, T, Nala, wawa, baba, ha ma (hold me), papa, didi (Gigi).  She's got a smile that'll melt your heart.  She is a special little girl.  We couldn't be more proud or love her more! 

The "Smash Cake"

The cake for the rest of us, super yummy stuff there.

Sloane and Papaw

Sloane digging into her cake

Daddy helping out.

 Sloane smashed her cake up good!!

All clean.

Playing with new toys.  Everyone was so generous and kind!

The balloon was wrapped around her and she was walking around the house like that, it was very cute.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Girls' Room

It's a work in progress still, but for the most part it's livable. This is the back bedroom that used to have a swamp cooler, no swamp cooler anymore...The girls love it, it is another place for them to run around and make a mess.