
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our 3rd Annual St. Patrick's Day Bash

We had our 3rd annual St. Patrick's Day party on Saturday, a lot of our friends and family came. We enjoyed good company, good food (it was really good corned beef, if I do say so myself), good drinks and a good time.

The party is just getting started.

Teagan enjoyed being held by all of her family, but she was one tired little girl...

Rockin' the shamrock shades, I'm so proud!

Just the two of us!

We really do like each other! HA HA

Josh, Teagan, Lon and Bruce Sr. working the fire pit. We had great weather this year.

Teagan really likes her Uncle Josh, too bad he doesn't feel the same way...

Ashley and Tammi doing some sort of shot, there were a lot of shots done by everyone. Chad and Steph had to go to the store to get more Guiness! Can you believe that we drank all of the beer we had?

Ah, the sHAMMERocking of the bells. Who thought it'd be a good idea to give Bob a hammer?

That is some serious bell smashing happening there...OUCH!

Me and my super tired little Teagan.

Nala loves it when Conner comes over, he's the only one who likes scratching her belly. We had Daisy in her kennel all night, we didn't want any fights like we had last year.

Chad was explaining some theory to Steph...It didn't make sense when we were sober either. was funny

We had a blast and missed all of you that couldn't make it, just remember, there is always next year...


Anonymous said...

Sorry we missed it!! :(

Anonymous said...

Looks like the party was alot of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mom