
Thursday, August 26, 2010


My sweet little Sloane sat for the first time by herself!  She is 5 1/2 months old and is growing up entirely too fast.  She is such a ham and she will chatter and smile at anyone who gives her the time of day!  She is quite the wiggle worm too, the other evening we found her under her swing (she was on the floor to begin with), she had scooted and/or rolled over to it and she was rocking the swing and talking to it.  It was the funniest thing!  We still are unsure what color her eyes are going to be, I think they're going to be brown, Todd thinks her eyes will be green or hazel.  Sloane also sits and watches Teagan with such intensity, she is learning so much from her "big" sister.  Sloane and Teagan now "fight" over toys - and so it has begun...dun dun dun.

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