
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Long Time

Well, I am finally getting around to updating "Our Lives".  We finally have a working computer at home.  Hooray. 

Well Todd and I are doing well.  Nothing too new to report here.

Teagan is growing up so quickly, I wonder where the time has gone.  She speaks pretty well, she sleeps in her own bed most of the time, and is working on going potty in the "big girl" potty more often.  Todd and I are taking her to a Preschool open house next month, she'll be able to go to a Playgroup 2 times a week this fall.  I think it'll be a really good thing for her.  She needs to be around kids more often. 

Sloane is officially a toddler.  She has been walking (really walking not just taking steps here and there) for a week now.  She's so cute to watch.  Sloane can also imitate a lot of sounds.  She says dada, mama, nala, and she tries to say a bunch of other words too.  She'll be 1 soon, and again, I think, where has the time gone?

That is really all for us right now.  We keep busy with work and the girls, and we have fun doing it.

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