
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Teagan's First Adventure to the Emergency Room

A few weeks ago, Todd and I had quite a scare.  Teagan was just not acting like her usual self, I felt her and she was burning up!  I took her temperature and it was 105.4*, way to high for a temperature in my mind.  So, I made a few phone calls...we gave her a cool bath, gave her Tylenol...nothing was really working.  So, at 9:30 pm, it was off to the Emergency Room.  It was a busy night, we finally were seen at about 10:45 pm.  The Dr. could not see anything wrong with Teagan, so she decided to test for a UTI.  Teagan absolutely refused to do her thing...hence the Popsicles.  Sloane finally passed out around 11:45 pm (yes folks that's right 11:45 pm!)  Well, anyhow, a dose of Tylenol and a dose of Motrin later, Teagan finally did her thing.  No UTI. No explanation for the high fever.  Nothing.  What an adventure that was!I do have to say that the entire staff at the hospital was awesome!  Even though we had a long wait, the girls were each given a stuffed animal and all the treats they could handle.
The nurse figured out that grape Popsicles were a favorite...Teagan got 2

Hanging out, waiting for the results of her test

Just to prove we were really there

Passed out Sloane and super tired Daddy

Why? Because I'm THAT mom

Starting to feel better

And a happy Teagan once again.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

The ER is so fun! Having a good staff on duty makes it so much better. Sloane looks huge laying on Todd's lap like that! So crazy!