
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Teagan's 1st Birthday (Late)

Teagan celebrated her first birthday on 12/6. We let her open a few presents when she woke up, so she wouldn't be so overwhelmed. She liked tearing the wrapping paper.

Her birthday cakes.

When everyone started singing Happy Birthday, Teagan just was looking around trying to figure out what was going on, and I started to cry.

She was so funny, she wanted a fork to eat her cake, she wasn't really into using her hands.
Gigi gave the birthday girl a bath after cake.
Mommy and Teagan's cousins opened most of her presents.

It was a wonderful day, we had a blast. It is so hard to believe that Teagan has been a part of our lives for (over) a year now! We cannot imagine or remember what it was like with out her. She is a special little girl and she sure has quite a personality.

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