
Monday, March 1, 2010

I am a slacker...what's new?

Yes, I am fully aware that it has been almost 2 months since I have posted anything. I will try to get better with posting updates on the family. We will see how that goes.

Teagan is walking and talking "Teaganese" like crazy. She is definitely getting to the "I'll do it myself" stage. Which is rather funny to witness. I think she is aware that something is going to change in her life, but she is not sure what that is yet. She is a very adventurous little girl. It is very fun to watch her learn and experience new things. She has daddy and mommy wrapped around her little fingers. We are working on unraveling ourselves (it's not working out too well though.)

Sloane will be making her arrival, sooner than later (I hope). She is growing quite nicely in her little incubator. This past weekend my sister-in-law, Sarah, planned a nice ladies day that included lunch and a pedicure. I was hoping the pedi would get labor started, but it did not. I can hear Sloane saying she wants out, but neither one of our bodies are cooperating with that.

Right now our lives are preoccupied with Teagan and getting ready for Sloane. We are very excited that our family is growing and are extremely grateful that we are all happy and healthy. Hopefully I'll be able to post some pictures soon.

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