
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Running Update

As the 4th of July nears, I am getting more anxious and excited; my first 5k in, gulp, 16 years is now 3 days away. The longest distance I have run to date is 2.5 miles. So, Sunday morning will prove to be my biggest test and my biggest challenge to day. I am excited to get out there with other people and run. I do hope to run the entire way, I can do it. I should be a Nike commercial...too bad my shoes are Aisics...*snicker**snicker*

I am on week 7 of the Couch to 5k plan, but I figure it is time to get my "race on". My goal is to finish the race, 3.1 miles in 45 minutes or less.

So far, this running has not helped me lose any weight, but, this month I will be more diligent in my eating habits. That should give me some positive results.

Have a safe and Happy 4th of July all!!!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

you'll do great!!! Can't wait to hear about it!